Jul 132009
“Portions of the advice hereafter may be helpful to the neophyte screenwriter. Much of it, though, will prove to be dubious, unsound, wildly subjective, and oftentimes, flat-out wrong. May God grant you the wisdom to know the difference.”
This is the disclaimer that runs across the top of “Questionable Advice,” the Q & A advice column of Script magazine. Well-written by a semi-anonymous, busty half-Thai calling herself “Scriptgirl,” “Questionable Advice” includes a lot of humor much of it of the self-deprecating and the clever-phrase varieties.
Script girl is smart to write funny. Humor gets read.
You can check out Scriptgirl’s weekly YouTube reports here .
My comment is that Scriptgirl is fine for the listener when in a shallow humorous mood. Otherwise, I pass. Her “You Tube” is like an interview with a bimbo where the job is obtained via the cleavage instead of the brain. Yes, humor is read. So was Naked News which is now “so yesterday”.