Aug 272009

Writers and publishers, picture this:

Today: Your website where you have your book’s cover, the back cover copy, endorsements, a photo of the author, and maybe a table of contents and an excerpt. Along side this you have a “Buy Now!” button.

Now picture this:

 Tomorrow: Your website again, but now you have a 60-second, full-color video complete with background music that draws your viewer into the book’s subject. Maybe the video is a demonstration of something mentioned in the book, or a travelogue showing the places mentioned in the book, or a dramatic reading of the poetry in the book.  Next to this is a 30-second video-profile of the author. And next to that is a short video of famous and every-day people endorsing the book. Each video ends with the book’s cover.

Alongside these videos is the same “Buy Now!” button. Which button, the first one or this one, is likely to get tapped more often?

Now imagine this:

These videos aren’t simply on your website, you’ve used a service that distributed them to a dozen sites simultaneously, you’ve e-mailed them to your subscriber’s list, linked them to your blog, included a live link to them in your press releases, and are using Google AdWords video ads to target your audience.

And the best part? These videos were either free or quite inexpensive to produce and distribute.

I think videos are likely to revolutionize on-line promotion and marketing. Soon your website will be judged by the value of your videos.

There is even a chance that your video will go virus with millions of people viewing it as did the “Will It Blend” video series by  Blendtec blenders blending everything from smoothies to iPhones. Sales for Blendtec blenders reportedly soared 700 percent because of their videos.

 I’ll expand on this and give you some strategies and resources to use in my next blog.

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