Dec 032009

As you likely know, it’s often tough to get a book published by a conventional publisher. Here you’ve got a great idea and you can’t even get agents or publishers to take a hard look. Then you get your Book-of-the-Month Club catalog as I did this month, and they are offering a book titled “Entertaining Your Indoor Cat” by Kevin Kelley.

Good grief. This fellow Kelley not only got it published, it’s a Book-of-the-Month Club selection. Must be someone’s nephew?

Full disclosure: I haven’t even seen this book, it may be the most wonderful book since “Why Cats Paint” which was a big hit about five years ago.

Just a Write Thought.

  2 Responses to “Trying to Get a Book Published?”


  2. Trying to get a children’s book published about how our youngster dealt with his mother’s cancer, any suggestions? I was referred to you b the editor of the Sanger Herald. He published an article about my wife and other Sanger residents who fought cancer.

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