Please note: We currently have a moratorium on accepting new proposals. We wish you the best in all your publishing endeavors.
The Write Thought publishes fiction and nonfiction books under the imprints below.
Please submit a complete synopsis and the first two chapters as an e-mail attachment to:
Don’t submit your whole manuscript, but do include a cover letter stating the genre your work falls into as well as a little about yourself. Be sure to include your contact information.
Imprint: Hardboiled Noir 
Publisher: Stephen Blake Mettee
This imprint publishes hardboiled detective novels. We are looking for well-written, fast-moving suspenseful detective stories. Think Robert B. Parker, Lee Child, Dashiell Hammett, John D. MacDonald, and Loren D. Estleman. Special consideration is given to books written in the first person.
Imprint: A SilverStowe Book
Publisher: William Noble
SilverStowe titles are novels in the following genres:
Historical Fiction
Political Fiction
Please submit nonfiction book proposals via e-mail to:.
We don’t accept for consideration full manuscripts. A complete book proposal has information in it we need that is not in the manuscript. There are plenty of guides to writing a nonfiction book proposal. We are partial to The Fast-Track Course on Writing a Nonfiction Book Proposal by Stephen Blake Mettee, because he is founder and CEO of The Write Thought. However, following any of the guides should produce an acceptable proposal.
Imprint: A William Noble Book
Publisher: William Noble
Author-editor, William Noble is interested in acquiring nonfiction books in the following genres:
Popular history (the nonacademic variety),
Political analysis
Political satire
BTW, we always suggest you submit your proposal to more than one publisher or agent at a time.